Just thought I'd throw this one in too.
Here are some pics I made using a new tool I made. The LEDWAND. IT is made from and Arduino mini pro, A LED strip and alot of programming. You can find out more about this tool on my Arduino page.
I have two cameras I like to use. A DSLR Casio Exilim EX-F1 and a Nikon D-90. I use the Casio for video alot because of the incredible SLOW MOTION that it does. This camera shoots at normal speed and 300fps (Frames Per Second), 600fps and 1200fps. The Casio also shoots still pictures with all the features of a Pro camera. The only real downside to this camera is that it is limited to 6 mega-pixels, but I find it to does a pretty good job in all situations that I use it for. I have used it for 'Light Painting', portraits, landscapes and Infra-Red pictures. I tend to use the D-90 for macro or very tiny things. I have a macro lens just for the D-90 and it works pretty well. Slow-motion is a very fun, but time consuming venture. One of my favorite videos I shot was this clip of birds at our feeder. you will notice that one of the little sparrows actually flies backwards in an attempt to land on the feeder (Hummingbirds are NOT the only bird to fly backwards).
Here is one example of 'Light Painting'. This where you hold the camera shutter open for a few seconds and while you move a light around at the same time. I will try to make a short tutorial on this later.
As you can see, I am not a professional photographer by any means, but I do like to shoot pictures! I will shoot anything! I have so many pictures of my cats that I almost need a second harddrive to keep them on.
More pics to come...
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